Frequently asked questions

Below are some frequently asked questions about our platform. Is your question not among them? Then please feel free to contact us!

How can I participate in the Craft Your Taste program?

Fill out the contact form here and then we will give you access to the application upon approval!

What is your privacy policy?

We respect your privacy and take the protection of your personal information seriously. Please see our privacy policy for more information on how we collect, use and share your information.

How can I contact your customer service department?

Contact us via contact form, email or phone! Team Tastefever is always there for you.

Is the Craft Your Taste app free to download?

Yes, our app is free to download from the app store or Google Play store.

App store download button
Google Play download badge

What are the requirements to use Craft Your Taste?

You need a compatible device with the appropriate operating system. In addition, you just have to be a winemaker committed to a sustainable, traceable wine process.

How do I log in to Craft Your Taste?

You can login to our app with your email address and the password you set up through the registration email. If you have forgotten the password or do not have an account yet, please contact our IT service.

How can I become a Tastefever partner?

Fill out the contact form here with your winery details and we will process your request!